Recomiendo el artículo "Crecimiento y bienestar" del periódico El Pais de 26 de Septiembre de 2010 ( publicado por Ángel Ubide, investigador visitante del Peterson Institute for International Economics en Washington, sobre el informe "Measuring people’s wellbeing" publicado por el Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition en, el cual intenta abordar nuevas maneras de medir el bienestar de los pueblos, entre los cuales se encuentra el pueblo español, sin tener que recurrir exclusivamente al PIB.
Informe del Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition:
Measuring people's wellbeing: the BCFN Index
The awareness that all-round personal wellbeing depends on a number of variables which are not based exclusively on economic and material elements considered for the purposes of policy-making is making increasing headway. These aspects are linked to lifestyle, food choices, health and environmental protection. This document – which represents a preview of an ongoing commitment and which aims to take on a mainly methodological approach – represents the first contribution to the construction of a multi-dimensional index to measure the level of personal wellbeing in a selected group of developed countries.
(pdf 40 páginas)
Informe del Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition:
Measuring people's wellbeing: the BCFN Index
The awareness that all-round personal wellbeing depends on a number of variables which are not based exclusively on economic and material elements considered for the purposes of policy-making is making increasing headway. These aspects are linked to lifestyle, food choices, health and environmental protection. This document – which represents a preview of an ongoing commitment and which aims to take on a mainly methodological approach – represents the first contribution to the construction of a multi-dimensional index to measure the level of personal wellbeing in a selected group of developed countries.
(pdf 40 páginas)
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